Ideas for Efficient and Sustainable Irrigation Solutions in the Boxborough and Newton, MA Areas

Ideas for Efficient and Sustainable Irrigation Solutions in the Boxborough and Newton, MA Areas

A lush and pristine lawn can be a sight to behold. Without the correct amounts of water, however, your beautiful lawn could struggle to remain healthy. Proper irrigation for your Boxborough and Newton, MA property is crucial to ensure a long-lasting and green lawn. Here are some ideas for efficient and sustainable irrigation solutions and the benefits that come with having a customized watering system.

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Irrigation Solutions

When it comes to choosing the right irrigation system for your property, it is helpful to seek out lawn care experts who can take a look at your lawn and landscape and determine the best customized plan. Each landscape has different needs with unique amounts of sunshine and shade.

Drip irrigation is a great solution that is highly sustainable. It is a system with tubes that are either suspended above the soil or alongside the roots of the plant. There is a predetermined amount of water that is pumped through the tubes and released through tiny holes poked into the tubes. It allows for your lawn and plantings to receive a watering without much waste at all.

Sprinkler systems that are installed by your lawn care professionals are typically highly efficient as they are entirely customized to only water at certain times and specific amounts. This eliminates a lot of water being wasted and provides enough watering to your lawn without under or over watering.

Benefits of an Irrigation System

One of the biggest benefits of an irrigation system is the reduction of stress—gone are the days of worrying about each part of your yard getting the right amount of watering and keeping track of when it was last watered and for how long.

The ability to adjust to the seasons is another benefit to an irrigation system. In the summer months, you will likely need more water and in the winter, your watering might become less frequent due to colder temperatures and more rain.

When you have an irrigation system, your property is going to get even watering. If an entire zone of your yard does not get even watering, it can lead to patchiness and potentially affect the health of your grass and plantings. An irrigation system that is properly installed will allow each zone to get the even watering that is needed. Areas of your lawn that are shaded can easily get waterlogged, but areas that get plenty of sunshine may dry out faster. Having zones within your irrigation system will allow you to completely customize the amounts of water and ensure that each zone is getting what is needed.

Drought protection is a big part of having an irrigation system. There may be months where there is no rain or not enough to keep your landscape properly hydrated and this is where an irrigation system can be crucial to preventing your grass and plantings from dying. When there are periods of drought, your irrigation system can be adjusted to provide more water to your landscape.

Related: Professional Irrigation Is Key to a Healthy and Lasting Landscape Design in the Wellesley, MA, Area

About the Author

Our custom design styles and planting options can reinvigorate your home’s entrance or revitalize your backyard. Whether you’re looking to add an outdoor kitchen or need the personal touch of estate ground maintenance, we stand behind our high level of service and expert workmanship.


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